The Chilean Merlot is flowing and Pauls head seems attracted to the mike, luckily we still get around to playing you some great songs from Argy Bargy, The Bleach Boys, Little Bastard, Mispelt 2.0 and The Ponsonby DCs.
Word of the week, a sly edit, Tony has a quote for Argy Bargys next album, we have your Facebook/PodcastAlley comments, Twat controversy, we hear from Pyrgie, Paulyb and Andy Crane, The Bleach Boys news, Pauls anniversary ideas, Pauls Random Facebook Adventures, Tonys 2nd gag this year, Pauls worrying 2nd life admission, Tron, "Izzatwat" isn't as controversial as the person sending it, Ad Break: Don't forget to visit for all your internet needs and quote code punky1 (or punky2 if you are in the UK) for your discount, Ian from Minnesota, reaching for the Rabbit, iTunes, Pauls review of The Sinful Dwarf, Total Talk Nonsense, Tony's mutton chops, it's Pauls gigs this week and there will be some exclusive news in the live show and Pauls proves that women are lovely.
Song 1: Argy Bargy - Lights Over London
Song 2: The Bleach Boys - Git
Song 3: Little Bastard - Kaffeekränzchen
Song 4: Mispelt 2.0 - Petrol Bomb
Song 5: Raised Under Reagan - Igor's Dilemma,
Song 6: The Ponsonby DCs - Girls
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