Before Paulyb shoots off on a European voyage of fun, we sneekily bring you an earlier than expected dose of Punky with great songs from Manovalanza, The Objex, Mummy Short Arms, Ponx Attax, Favela Rising, Angelic Upstarts, Kitty In A Casket and Old Radio.
Tony briefly mentions his week, Las Vegas, Paul talks about The Objex video for Lethal Lips, Tony has your Facebook comments, Glam it up, Paul talks about his week, Glasgow, Tony's International Gig Guide, The Angelic Upstarts, Paul talks about his upcoming week, Internet Issues!, Insane Star shows us her "Izzatwat" but Paul still has no knickers and don't forget to review us at iTunes!
Song 1: Manovalanza – Adesso Basta
Song 2: The Objex – Lethal Lips
Song 3: Mummy Short Arms – Silicone Dream
Song 4: Ponx Attax – Ponx Vacation
Song 5: Favela Rising – Death And Destruction
Song 6: Angelic Upstarts – The Murder Of Liddle Towers
Song 7: Kitty In A Casket – Bloody Lovesong
Song 8: Old Radio – On Your Own
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